Western Surprise (Rice and Wiener Dish)

I invented a recipe!!!  Well, sort of.  It’s a combination of something my mom used to make called Western Surprise, and something I found online.  And it actually turned out pretty good.  Probably still  need to tweak the recipe a bit so don’t blame me if you make it and it doesn’t work!My family loves to eat rice.  After spending two years in Korea and eating rice every day, you’d think my guy would be tired of it, but no.  And with a gluten free daughter, rice dishes work well for us.
Hope you can read my writing – I just didn’t feel like retyping it!
I guess the first line should say “1 package wieners – thinly sliced” – I don’t think you can find a package of thinly sliced wieners!
The part I like best about this is the “throw it in a pot and let it do it’s thing”.  I’m so lazy in the kitchen!
And they all liked it!!!  (That orange thing looks like a piece of carrot – don’t think I put any carrots in, but you could throw in anything else you wish.  Just remember, if it’s dried, you may need to add a little more water to allow for reconstitution.)
There’s my Mac in pony tails for the first time – kicking back enjoying her lunch, dog waiting for crumbs to fall and sick sister on the couch in the background.  A typical day!
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