Valentine’s Day this year was fun! I didn’t have my usual LOVE type crafts (yup, packed!) but you can sure gets lots of fun things at the dollar store – like my guys tie!!! He assured me he will only wear it on Valentine’s Day and never to church, but I think he looks very handsome in it!!!
And this year’s special menu is . . .
. . . heart shaped pepperoni on the pizza!!! I was planning to cut out the pepperoni using scissors, but my brilliant Facebook friends suggested a cookie cutter. But that presented a problem – yup, mine are packed!!! I did know where my heart shaped paper punch was, but that may be a little tricky to slide the pepperoni in!!! Luckily the kitchen still has gramma’s stuff in it, and I found the perfect size heart cookie cutter, and it worked like a charm. Thanks brilliant FB friends!!!
And this year we had . . .
. . . a Valentine Tree!!! We re-purposed our Christmas tree (because I hadn’t taken it down yet – that’s gotta be some sort of records!!!). But my guy had said he liked having it up – made a pretty night light. Gotta keep my guy happy!!! Besides, it was small and up high, not in the way at all. So my Kat and I had fun putting hearts all over it.
Celebrating holidays with fun little traditions – kids sure love it and remember it (especially if there are photos. Too bad I forgot to take a picture of the green milk for St.Patrick’s Day that greats them every year for breakfast!)