Beads can make beautiful curtain tiebacks. It’s true! Especially if you use beads that have sentimental value to you (like Grandma’s old costume jewelry that you would never wear!)
So I went and chose some very sentimental bracelets from the dollar store. (Actually, I was just looking for colours I liked.)

Now, I thought this was brilliant . . .
. . . I packed up my beading supplies . . .
. . . and divided up the beads, to work on my project in the car! I had two daughters playing in a softball tournament, and I knew there would be some time between games where I could do some crafting (it was either that or Sudoku!).

The center console and my lap made the perfect work station (be sure to sit in the passenger seat so you don’t have a steering wheel to deal with!).
I just tied my string to a starting ring and started beading.
No pattern was the pattern, with a small pearl between each larger bead.
When I was finished with the beads, I simply tied a ring to the other end. I was almost finished the second one, and then the games began again. (This was the tournament where my daughter on the pitchers mound got hit in the eye during the final game – check her out here. And this was six days before her high school graduation!)
I finished the last two at home and aren’t they pretty!
Final step was to attach a little nail or hook to the window casing and tie back the curtains.
So much prettier than just hanging! Now they just hang at night.
This is an alcove off the master bedroom – a little room I really love! Right now it’s purpose is to be my baby’s bedroom – my baby who is two and a half! Someday it will just be my sanctuary!
And there she is – sitting there reading in her lovely little alcove – with the lovely new beaded curtain tiebacks!