Rainbow Jello

My kids (and husband!) absolutely love this jello, but it takes a bit of time (like a day, but don’t worry, the fridge does half the work!) so I usually only make it for special occasions – like Easter or ward potluck dinners.Choose your jello colours and get two small boxes of each flavour.  I went with raspberry, peach, lemon, lime and blue – what is that, wild berry?  In the past I’ve used a larger box and split it  . . . but this seems like an easier method so here goes:
Make your first layer of jello! 
Use 1 cup of boiling water and dissolve one box of jello powder.  Then add 1/2 cup cold water.  Pour it into your container and then pop it into the fridge.  This is when you hope your fridge is level because you want your layers to be even!  My fridge is not level yet (my guy apologized later for that and says he’ll level it up for me!) so I stuck a spoon under one side of my pan to make the jello sit evenly.
With the first layer chilling in the fridge, make your second layer: Again, dissolve your jello powder from one small box into one cup of boiling water.  Then add sour cream – I just did about two/three heaping spoonfuls.  The whisk works nicely to break up the sour cream.  Let this start cooling on your counter until the first layer in the fridge is good and solid – about half an hour.  Then carefully pour the second layer onto the first.  You must be careful that the warm second layer doesn’t break up the freshly set first layer.  I actually pour it slowly into a spoon and let it diffuse out – moving the spoon location.
And then you just start over.  Make the third layer while the second is chilling.  Note here:  I used peach because it’s what I had on hand, but I think orange would be a more vibrant colour.  My sour cream peach layer looked a little washed out.
So this jello takes awhile but you can go off and do other things between layers.  I like to have it all done a day before it’s needed for the dinner just so those layers will not melt into each other or all over the plate once it starts getting dished out.
While I was doing this, my guy and some of our girls were outside starting to build us a deck!!!I enjoyed watching their progress through my kitchen windows.
Just before Easter Dinner, Jo made some whipped cream and spread it over the jello – gotta have clouds with our rainbow! The light shining through the jello cups looked so pretty.
They were a special delivery for someone else!
Here’s the 9 x 13 Rainbow Jello all finished and ready to be transported to our family Easter dinner.
Here’s the Rainbow Jello after the family Easter dinner!
085One piece left for me to take a close-up picture of!
And how was the deck progress? They got the lower level all sheeted, and completed the rest of it on Easter Monday – took three days total.  Next:  duradeck and railings and stairs . . .
Good job everyone!!!
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