Easiest Quiet Book – Ever!!!

Made this quiet book for Kat when she was almost two, and now it’s being enjoyed by another child.  We personalized it for Kat, but Mac doesn’t seem to mind that at all – she just enjoys looking at sisters book.
It’s the easiest thing ever and you can get your other kids involved in helping too.
First you have to buy an album – dollar stores are great for this!
This album is the size that fits one standard size photograph per page.  My album is pretty thick (80 pages) because I wanted lots of original pages for her to look at.  Hopefully we’d be half-way through church before she was finished it!
And now for the fun part – get creative and make pages!  Dig out photographs, chop up old books, magazines, calendars, use the computer to prints pictures, phrases or quotes.  Add coloured papers, stickers, stamps, die cuts.  Tons of fun!!!  I’ll share some of our pages to get your creative juices flowing . . .

You can see that she decided some artwork was needed inside the covers!A page autographed by Daddy!

I love the four cousins a few months apart!!!

Warning:  Animal pages can be noisy if your child starts barking in the middle of church!!!
Or meowing!!!
Sisters in the various seasons.
Pages for all the colours.  I chopped up a kids sticker book after they had finished it – had great clear, coloured pictures.
A page for each letter of Kat’s name.
I hope that gives you some ideas.  We made this book and gave it to Kat for Christmas.
And if you want the truth, this Quiet Book keeps more than just the baby occupied in church!!!