I look forward to the Sabbath – a day of rest. While attending Church and fulfilling church callings often makes for a busy Sunday, it is certainly different from the regular routine of what I do each day.
I love to make crafts and create things, and have had a craft business in the past and hope to again. So crafting for me is “work” and therefore I don’t do it on Sunday. The Sabbath is a day for me to rest from my labours. So if that crafting bug hits, I’ll only do it if it relates to my church calling.
So last Sunday, we had a craft fest of making Primary birthday gifts.

“I Know the Scriptures are True” is the theme for this year.
(I write the name and date of the birthday person on the back so we know who they belong to. Then they go in a little mailbox that gets opened during birthday time.)
and then . . .

So that’s how I craft on Sunday, my day of rest. Or sometimes I work on my Conference Project! I don’t blog on Sunday either, unless it’s my family blog because I consider that Family History and keeping records – it’s my journal writing with lots of pictures thrown in!
We encourage our children not to do school work on Sunday either. They are students, so homework and studying is their “work” and they need to “rest from their labours” as well. I know they have been blessed for their obedience to this commandment, especially during exam time when it is so tempting to study.
No one ever said obedience was easy, but it is always the right thing to do.