My Words

I read about this idea somewhere just before New Years 2010.  The idea is to choose a word for the year and let that be your theme word and your motivation.  I loved the idea – so much more likely to succeed than New Year’s Resolutions!
So my word for 2010 was . . .. . . PATIENCE.  And yes, I’m still working on it and probably always will be!!!  I need reminders, so I decorated this little wooden block with my word, the year, and a scripture.  It sits with Mason on my bedside table, reminding me every day of the year about PATIENCE.
My word for 2011 is . . .. . . DELIGHT.  The scripture says “Let thy soul delight . . .” and that’s exactly what I’ve been trying to do this year.  I’m finding it quite DELIGHTful as I look more for the positive in things and what causes me DELIGHT in this journey through life.
My word is just printed off the computer and then mod podged along with scrapbook paper onto the block.  I’ll be able to fit four years worth of words on every block.  What a collection I’ll have at the end of my life – by then I should be absolutely perfect at everything!!!