Our Time to Shine – Daughter #2 Graduates from High School

Here are some photos of our Grad decorations with beautiful people in the pictures too!
(See the no-people pre-Grad decoration pictures here, including the banquet tables.)This is my second daughter Min and her date Clay – don’t they look fantastic!!!
Now, at this point of the evening, I was getting very frustrated because my camera batteries died, and my freshly charged ones didn’t work for more than a minute.  My guy went off to buy more, and they kept dying too.  Grrr!  So the next few pictures are fuzzy because my camera died right as I was taking them.
The hanging frames were fun to pose in.  Unfortunately, because of my camera troubles, we didn’t get a single shot of them with the photo booth props on the other side of the stage.
Remember the sneak peak I gave you back here?  Well this is what we did with it.And as for Min’s “shiner”, you’d never know she had one.
This is how her eye looked before big sister started doing her makeup for grad . . .We were able to borrow some corrective cover-up based on the colour that her bruise was that day, and it worked perfectly!  Thanks Barb!!!
 The Star Archway.
Beautiful girls in their beautiful dresses hanging out with the blue moon.  It’s a little hazy here because this was during the dance when they DJ was sending “fog” out onto the dance floor.
The proud parents!Min had the honour of being her class Valedictorian.
Our seven beautiful daughters!  One of them got a little creative with photo editing!
Back to the decorations . . .
Love the casual yet classy stance by the 2012.

The fabric on the walls did a great job of hiding all sorts of uglies – like the huge mats under the basketball hoop.

And the bicycle built for two!
For sure a much cuter picture with people in it!!!

It was their time to shine, and they sure did!

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Preparing for High School Graduation

This is my Min and she is having her Graduation Ceremonies on Friday.  This is not what you want your eye to look like five days before Grad!!!Wonder what colour it will be by Friday?  Gonna have to get creative with the makeup!!!  Although right now it kinda matches her red Grad dress!
I had two girls in a softball tournament on Saturday.  In the final game, Min (on the pitcher’s mound) took a line drive to the face.  Luckily it hit her glove first so it got slowed down before it hit her eye.  It’s not very pleasant to be watching and suddenly see your child bent over, holding her face, staggering around in pain.  The coaches of both team and the ump went running over to tend to her.  She was still on her feet though, and I was very relieved not to see any blood when she took her hands away from her face.  Ice was quickly produced and while she iced her eye, the coaches stood around her talking and laughing – giving her time to see how she was doing, making sure she wasn’t going to keel over or anything.  She switched spots with first base and a coach stayed near her – just in case!  But was able to play the last few innings.  She said she felt fine – no headache or anything – but said it was really weird to be able to see her eyelid protruding from the swelling.  This picture was taken about 18 hours after the hit – the swelling is gone and now it’s just the lovely red.
As for Grad, here’s a sneak peek! 
That’s all you get right now!  I’m on the decorating committee and will be spending the next four days transforming the gymnasium into something representing the theme they chose:  “Our Time to Shine” (Hey – that theme works great for Min with her “shiner”!)
Stay tuned because you know I’ll eventually be posting pictures!!!
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Click here to see the grad decorations.

Click here to see Min at grad.