Marriage Advice Wedding Photo

I have a plaque on my wall that’s full of advice to married couples, and I love it!  I refer to it often.  So when my daughter got married, I wanted to give her something similar.  Then I had the brilliant idea to put the marriage advice on a wedding photo!!!
My niece JL took the perfect picture for this project.  The bride and groom had just come out of the temple doors to greet all the guests who were waiting outside.  They had that indescribable just-married-and-so-happy-and-in-love glow, because just moments before they had been married for time and all eternity in the Holy Temple.  I remember what complete joy I felt on my wedding day, and it was so so wonderful to know my little girl was feeling that way too.
I took JL’s photo and played around on Picmonkey with it.  I did some stuff to the picture – like contrast or something (yeah, helpful I know!!!).  I wanted the picture to be clearly visible, but it was the words that I wanted to really stand out.  Once I had the picture the way I wanted it, I started adding the text, alternating fonts, sizes and colours, until I was pleased with how it looked.  Then I simply ordered the photo and put it in a frame.
Pretty cool how I was able to frame the picture yet still keep the frame in it’s protective cardboard corners eh?  I still had to wrap it and give it to them, then they had to transport it, so just ignore the corners!!!
Here’s the complete picture and words so you can clearly see the marriage advice . . .
I love it!!!
Some of the advice, like “Find time to be alone together”, might not seem too relevant now, but in the future, when there are children around and life is crazy busy, we all need to remember that one!!!
And “Hold hands whenever you can” is placed by their clasped hands – how cute is that?
If you look closely, you will notice that the photo is not matted.  I actually had to put it on top of the matte rather than under the matte, otherwise some of the picture and words wouldn’t show.  I had to print it at a size that they don’t usually make frames for just to get the whole picture.  But it all worked out just fine in the end.
Now I want one for myself!!!
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