New Look for Lamp

I’ve had this lamp for a few years – I have absolutely no idea where it came from!  My guy may have got it from a garage sale or something.  It works – it provides light, but I’m really not loving the brass anymore.  It used to be fine hiding in a corner of the family room, but now, not so great.(Please imagine a lovely stone fireplace in the left side of the photo – someday that black paper and wire mesh will be covered!)
Close up of the details before I get happy with the spray paint.
Now, this marble base I really like.So I got busy with masking tape because that’s all I could find.  I taped of every last square millimeter of marble.  Then off to the garage to spray paint with my Krylon Oil Rubbed Bronze – took about 3-4 coats from various angles.
While the paint was drying, I tackled the lamp shade.  I’d like to get a new one, but for now a good vacuum of the shade worked wonders!
Then I took some natural polished hemp twine and started wrapping it around the edges of the lamp – top and bottom.  Hot glue gunned it on every few inches.  I used four layers to get my edges covered nicely.  No burned fingers for this glue gun expert!!!
Ready to see my “new” lamp?
Oh so much better!!!  And don’t you love the marble base?  And I even remembered to spray paint the little finial at the very top.
Darn!  Should have spray painted the cord!

And here are the detailed parts.  No brass is showing through – it just looks that way with the flash.

And finally, a shot with the light on.I love how the edges of the lampshade look so dark when the light is on.  Yup, I’m certainly lovin’ the new look of my lamp.  And if someday I get tired of the dark base, I’ll go search for a new colour of spray paint!