Gangsters and Win-A-Lot Game

Craziest sight ever!!!  I walked out of my office to find these characters had taken up residence in the family room!
For some reason, some of my girls decided to dress up rather like gangsters from the 20’s, complete with fat bellies and moustaches.
(Hope you put all dad’s clothes back girls!)
One of our gangsters looks rather like a hippie!
The reason for all this?  My eighth grader was learning about the Stock Market and wasn’t quite getting how it worked.  So my older girls decided to help her out by playing a Stock Market game called “Win-A-Lot”.  It’s similar to “Stock Ticker” but I like it better.
My mom had her old NZ edition of this game which was very ancient.  I don’t even know if this game even exists anymore, but one Christmas my talented sister made us our very own version.
The game is pretty simple.  There are four commodities – Silver, Cotton, Pearls and Zinc – which you buy and sell each round, hopefully at a profit!
At the start of each round, you are each dealt one of these cards:
So the card you are dealt will determine your actions, and by watching what others players do, you can follow their leads too.  Obviously if I have a Zinc Up 4 card, I’m going to buy Zinc now and sell it later (and hope someone else doesn’t have the Zinc Down 4 card).
Notice in the top left corner there is a Bear card and a Bull card, which either make everything go up or down.
After everyone has done their transactions each turn, the cards are turned over and the little tokens on the board are moved up and down.  Then on to the next round.
The homemade money.
Here are the rules:
So at the end of the game, our gangsters have dressed down a little!
They’re holding up their fingers indicating which place they finished in.
So the eighth grader finished last, but at least she understands a little better how the stock market works!!!  Oh, and this is a good math game too – lots of buying and selling at different prices!
Now I feel like playing!  Any one up for a game?