General Conference was over a week ago now, but I’ve still got lots of the wonderful messages floating around in my mind. When my Ensign magazine arrives next month, I’ll attack it with a highlighter pen. But if I need to review something sooner, I just go to this General Conference site and read or re-watch all the inspirational messages. Anyway, here’s how much I got done on my cross-stitch during conference!
I have taken it out of the hoop, so anything that is outside of that circle line is new. The sheep are appearing!
For some reason I was drawn to working on the purple flowers – must be a spring thing!!! The purple is all one colour, but do you know how many greens there are? Me either! But a lot of them were: one strand of this colour and one strand of that colour, put together to make one colour. I sure like that the background scenery is just a half cross-stitch – goes so much faster (not that I’m in any rush, I just like it to look like I have done something!).
I watched four sessions of conference – two on Saturday and two on Sunday, and they each last for two hours. Intermixed with the speakers is beautiful singing from the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. It truly is a spiritual feast!
So back to my project . . .I have reached the edge by the purple flowers!!! But look at the finished picture and see that I have many years of conferences left to work on it! And look at all that thread! and all that space on the cloth!
But . . . on to a new conference topic . . .
Look at this cute little treat my Visiting Teachers dropped off before Conference.And this one that Jen’s Activity Days Leader dropped off!
Such a cute idea! Such thoughtful people!!!
“Decide now to make General Conference a priority in your life. Decide to listen carefully and follow the teachings that are given.”
This is how my “Conference Project” looked at the end of eight hours of stitching through Conference. I’m almost ready to take it out of the ring, so progress is indeed being made – slow progress!!!
Even added a new colour – purple!!! Little purple flowers are in the east south east corner.
This tree part I’m working on is really hard, and I’m going to tell you why (whether you want to know or not!).
Take a look at this pattern (which is actually about double the size of the pattern I’m working off) . . .. . . do you see all those horizontal three’s and eight’s? They are making me go cross-eyed as I try to follow them and count them. So I’ve done all the easy parts of the tree and now will try to fill in these two colours that are so similar you need good natural light to be able to tell the difference. Which makes me wonder why I’m so concerned with getting it right. Because seriously, who’s going to notice if I mess up some leaves in the tree?
Anyway, I love General Conference. I was wondering though, where Pres. Monson was in the first session. Doesn’t he usually do a welcome address? I was hoping he was okay. And then they announced him as a speaker and I felt so happy. “Oh good! He is here!” were my thoughts. And then he got up to speak with the cheeriest “Hello!” I’ve ever heard. I love our prophet!!!
We moved into our new home two weeks ago, and didn’t have our big screen set up yet (the family room wasn’t finished yet and who wants to get sawdust on their TV and couches). So we had nine people sitting around the computer in the office watching the broadcast on Mac would disappear from time to time and it was much easier to watch conference (and cross-stitch) when she wasn’t around trying to climb onto my lap. Anyway, one time she came back into the office and pushed her way past seven people to get over to me by the window (need good light for cross-stitching that tree!). I looked down at her and let out a yell! She had decided to be creative too – using markers and her face, hands and arms as the canvas!
My thoughts were (in this order) “Oh no! I wonder what our new walls look like!”. Followed by “I sure hope that’s washable marker!”. And finally, “We gotta get a picture of that!”
Fortunately the walls were fine, the markers were washable and we got pictures! She cleaned up nicely – all the way to her ears. The worst part was: I can’t remember who was speaking and what they said! Luckily that’s easy to fix: re-watch it or read it!!!
Looking forward to April when the Conference Project continues . . .