Well, I’m not sure who Bev is, but we sure love her Chicken Casserole!
First step is to find a little cutie who is working on a YW Personal Progress goal who is willing to help you in the kitchen!
She’s chopping the tomatoes, onions and green onions. (I was going to do the onion but she insisted she wanted to – because she wanted to cry! She claimed she’s never cried cutting an onion before and wanted another chance to experience it. Well, she experienced it!!! I think I’ll be cutting the onion next time!)

Here’s what to do:
– put your chicken pieces in a casserole dish and sprinkle with salt, pepper and garlic powder.
– then you add in your chopped veggies (tomato, onion and green onion)
– stir that all together and spoon over your chicken.