Bev’s Chicken Casserole

Well, I’m not sure who Bev is, but we sure love her Chicken Casserole!
First step is to find a little cutie who is working on a YW Personal Progress goal who is willing to help you in the kitchen!
She’s chopping the tomatoes, onions and green onions.  (I was going to do the onion but she insisted she wanted to – because she wanted to cry!  She claimed she’s never cried cutting an onion before and wanted another chance to experience it.  Well, she experienced it!!!  I think I’ll be cutting the onion next time!)
Here’s what to do:
– put your chicken pieces in a casserole dish and sprinkle with salt, pepper and garlic powder.
– Mix together one can of Tomato soup and one can of Cream of Mushroom soup
– then you add in your chopped veggies (tomato, onion and green onion)
– stir that all together and spoon over your chicken.

– Cover and bake at 350 degrees for two hours or until tender.Serve over rice or mashed potatoes.

You will be amazed at how easy and delicious it is!


Chicken, Rice and Broccoli Casserole

I made up a recipe – shocking, I know!!!  My family loves it – and I can prove it:  Kat, my seven-year-old picky eater, just looked over my shoulder to see what I was blogging about and said, “That stuff?  Make it again!!!”

We often have leftover cooked chicken (ya know, from those barbecued chickens at the grocery store) and I was looking for a new way to use it up.  I wanted some sort of rice recipe that I could toss everything in a pot and let the oven work its magic.  So I started searching online for recipes, but all I could find were recipes where the rice was precooked – and I didn’t want that.  So I kind of copied some ingredients from a few different recipes, and then got inventing.

Chicken, Rice and Broccoli Casserole
2 cups rice
2 cups water
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 cup milk
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
Combine all this in your casserole dish and mix it up well.  You can adjust your rice/water amount as desired – just use equal portions of both.
For this version, I tossed in:
1 bundle of broccoli
1 onion
Cubed cooked chicken.
(I know I don’t need to mention that everything should be chopped up, and no precooking is required – except the chicken!)
Mix everything up together.  Cook it covered at 350 for 45-60 minutes.  Check the rice after about 45 minutes to see if it’s cooked.  If your rice is done and the mixture is too runny, cook it for a bit longer without the lid.  Sprinkle cheese on at the end if you desire and cook until it’s melted.
In my clean-out-the-fridge version, I threw in leftover cooked vegetables, raw cauliflower, and even leftover smoked pork picnic instead of chicken – that was good!  Can’t wait til I have zucchini around to throw in, just to annoy my family!
I’ve made it a few times now and it’s always good.  The first time I put it on the table, it got more than a few skeptical, curious, turned-up-noses looks from my youngest kids.  So I was pleasantly surprised to hear Kat exclaim in a shocked voice, “This doesn’t taste bad at all!”
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