Valentine Decorating

I love to decorate for the seasons and holidays, but I don’t do too much (compared to some people!) simply because I don’t have a quonset in my back yard to store it all in when it’s not on display.
is my newest Valentine decor item – and I love it!!!  I got it from Lazy Daizy Vinyl Lettering.
It’s still the middle of winter so I like to keep those little bits of evergreen, pine cones and berries around for filler.  The pine cones came from the forests in my backyard where I grew up so they’re extra dear to me.  They have sparkly silver edges because we painted the edges for my sisters wedding.  I put the pine cones in her bouquet – check it out here.
On the after Christmas clearance racks I got this evergreen wreath for $0.94.I haven’t done anything with it yet – it just hangs around looking wintery, but I made it a little more Valentinesyish by adding one of my kids hearts – they made these a few years back at Shauna’s kids craft class.
Ahh!  There is my new wicker vase – you can read about it here.Those LOVE blocks are pretty cool because on the back of the L is an H, and on the back of the V is an M.  So if you get tired of LOVE, you can make it say  . . . (did ya figure it out?).  That was another one of Shauna’s creations from a few years ago.
These message blocks are new this year too.  You can read about them here.And I know I have a few more things too, but they’re still in boxes – not out in a quonset, but in my unfinished family room, waiting to someday have a home!!!

I think a holiday to remember the people we love is such a great idea!

Easy Valentine Idea

Need an easy but fun Valentine idea for your special someone?  Well, keep reading . . .
My guy enjoys these little red cinnamon hearts.  I find that they burn my tongue and my kids say they’re too ‘spicy’!
But he loves them and so I did this for him for Valentine’s Day.  I got the idea from somewhere, but the poem is my own creation.  (I’ve typed it out after this picture so it’s easier to read.)
Feel free to use it, just give me the credit for my poetic prowess!!!
The simple phrase I LOVE YOU
Is often hard to say,
Or sometimes we just plain forget
To say it every day.
I want you to know that I LOVE YOU
So here’s what I have done:
I’ve taken little red cinnamon hearts
And hidden them one by one.
I’ve put them in your sock drawer
And in your sweaters too;
I’ve put them in your pockets
And probably in your shoes.
I’ve put them in your long johns
And even in your coat.
Why, I’d put them in the bathtub
If I thought that they would float.
So when you find a small red heart
Here’s what you must do:
Suck it slowly in your mouth
And know that I LOVE YOU!
He enjoyed it – and it was especially fun when, months after Valentine’s Day, he was still finding little red hearts!

Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day this year was fun!  I didn’t have my usual LOVE type crafts (yup, packed!) but you can sure gets lots of fun things at the dollar store – like my guys tie!!!  He assured me he will only wear it on Valentine’s Day and never to church, but I think he looks very handsome in it!!!
And this year’s special menu is . . .
. . . heart shaped pepperoni on the pizza!!!  I was planning to cut out the pepperoni using scissors, but my brilliant Facebook friends suggested a cookie cutter.  But that presented a problem – yup, mine are packed!!!  I did know where my heart shaped paper punch was, but that may be a little tricky to slide the pepperoni in!!!  Luckily the kitchen still has gramma’s stuff in it, and I found the perfect size heart cookie cutter, and it worked like a charm.  Thanks brilliant FB friends!!!
And this year we had . . .
. . . a Valentine Tree!!!  We re-purposed our Christmas tree (because I hadn’t taken it down yet – that’s gotta be some sort of records!!!).  But my guy had said he liked having it up – made a pretty night light.  Gotta keep my guy happy!!!  Besides, it was small and up high, not in the way at all.  So my Kat and I had fun putting hearts all over it.
Celebrating holidays with fun little traditions – kids sure love it and remember it (especially if there are photos.  Too bad I forgot to take a picture of the green milk for St.Patrick’s Day that greats them every year for breakfast!)