A few years ago I was asked to do centerpieces for our family Thanksgiving Dinner. We must have had a huge crowd that year because we held it in the Seniors Center with six round tables. Let me add that I much prefer doing centerpieces than preparing food!!!
I wanted to focus on the “Thanks” part of Thanksgiving so I made up six little scripture placards to sit in the middle of each table. They had a sprig of fall leaves behind them and loose leaves sprinkled around.
So here are my six top favourite scriptures about “Thanks” . . .
I simply printed them off the computer onto paper and glued them onto cardstock so they would stand. Oh and there was a little antiquing the edges and a leaf sticker as well!
And I think this one is my personal favourite:
Wonderful little messages to reread every Thanksgiving!!!
Valentine’s Day this year was fun! I didn’t have my usual LOVE type crafts (yup, packed!) but you can sure gets lots of fun things at the dollar store – like my guys tie!!! He assured me he will only wear it on Valentine’s Day and never to church, but I think he looks very handsome in it!!!
And this year’s special menu is . . .
. . . heart shaped pepperoni on the pizza!!! I was planning to cut out the pepperoni using scissors, but my brilliant Facebook friends suggested a cookie cutter. But that presented a problem – yup, mine are packed!!! I did know where my heart shaped paper punch was, but that may be a little tricky to slide the pepperoni in!!! Luckily the kitchen still has gramma’s stuff in it, and I found the perfect size heart cookie cutter, and it worked like a charm. Thanks brilliant FB friends!!!
And this year we had . . .
. . . a Valentine Tree!!! We re-purposed our Christmas tree (because I hadn’t taken it down yet – that’s gotta be some sort of records!!!). But my guy had said he liked having it up – made a pretty night light. Gotta keep my guy happy!!! Besides, it was small and up high, not in the way at all. So my Kat and I had fun putting hearts all over it.
Celebrating holidays with fun little traditions – kids sure love it and remember it (especially if there are photos. Too bad I forgot to take a picture of the green milk for St.Patrick’s Day that greats them every year for breakfast!)
A few Christmases ago I made these 2 x 4 Believe signs for the ladies that I Visit Teach – yup, I’d rather make something with wood than make something in the kitchen! I saw something like them in a Country Sampler magazine and filed it away in my brain for a future project.
One of the ladies was lucky enough to have an “L” in her last name. So with a little shuffling around of the letters . . .
. . . a new ribbon on the candle, and some new painting on the backside, she has an item she can keep out year round!!!
Pretty cute eh?
And now that time has past and I’ve had more time to think, I wonder why I didn’t paint words like “Family” or “Simplify (my theme word!) or any other words with an “L” in them, on the backs of the others. Silly me! Good thing Christmas comes around every year!!!