Easter Display

Easter is a wonderful holiday!  What a wonderful thing to celebrate – the Atonement and Resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
But I’ve never been too thrilled about the idea of the Easter Bunny bringing things.  Now don’t get me wrong, I love chocolate just as much as any other normal woman out there, and love any excuse to buy it.  But, a rabbit bringing treats – I don’t get it!!!
The Easter Bunny doesn’t visit our house.  On Easter Sunday my family woke up to find a display up high on the piano (away from little fingers of course!).
There were pictures of the resurrected Christ and bowls of Easter treats.
Eggs symbolize “new life” and so does “resurrection”.

Completely perfect for our family!

And now an Easter picture of my reverent daughters!!!Happy Easter!

Easter Treats

This is how Easter treats happen at my house:  I provide ingredients and a recipe and inform my girls that they get to make Easter treats for the family!  Isn’t that great?
And they get all excited!!!
Okay, I’m not completely lazy – I did have an important thing to do:
I was over at the new house, drawing my kitchen cabinets on the plywood, to see if what I’d designed on paper would actually fit in the space my guy provided for the kitchen.
Here’s my design on paper.  It was out by about two inches on one wall.  See, that’s what I needed to know before I start getting quotes!  So my time was well spent!
As I walked in the door, the girls said “We just finished the nests!  Come and see them!”
Great work girls – they look delicious!!!
I’m happy, they’re happy, and we have some yummy treats, so dad is definitely happy!!!
And if you want to make your own, bring the syrup and sugar to a boil.  Remove from heat and stir in the peanut butter and then the rice krispies.  Form into nests and decorate with jellybeans.
And that’s how Easter treats are made at my house!!!

Thoughts at Easter Time

The stores would have us believe that Easter is all about the Easter Bunny and gifts and chocolate.  But it really isn’t.  It’s all about the atonement, crucifiction and resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Which is why I like to include a picture of my Savior in my little corner of Easter decorating.
This teal frame is the other side of my Framed Shamrock.  The picture is ancient but it matched the frame nicely and was the perfect size.  It actually came from one of my grandma’s old Family Home Evening manuals from 1976, when Spencer W. Kimball was the prophet (do you remember when a new FHE manual would come out every year or am I really dating myself here?).  My parents were downsizing to move into an apartment and gave me some of her old manuals and that’s how I found my perfect picture for this year.
I love the little Willow Tree angel gazing up at the picture.
All I did to decorate this year was add a few pastel flowers.  It’s so refreshing to have some springy colours around, after all the dullness of winter.
Oh, we must not forget the chocolate!!!  We love Easter treats too – they just don’t come from an Easter Bunny.  Luckily my baby hasn’t noticed the treats in the cupboard yet!
Okay, these are my stair railings on my plywood stairs – strangely resembling little Easter Egg trees, paint buckets and pop bottles!  Anything to keep small people away from the edges.
Those are the spindles there on the right – somehow they just have to get into formation in the grooves of the banister!
So Kat spent awhile evenly spacing the eggs and spreading out the colours.  But as soon as Mac woke up and found egg trees, Kat’s work was destroyed.  Now they’re in different arrangements all the time.  Who knew stair railings could be so much fun!
(I haven’t posted any house progress pictures lately because no progress is being made!  The less than flattering picture above is to remind you that we are still living in a construction zone.  But even amidst construction, or lack of, I can still have my corners of prettiness – for my sanity!)
Here’s another Easter corner in the house – I just love this picture of the Salt Lake City Temple!
This magnificent building holds an especially dear place in my heart because I was married here! This is where I was married, and sealed eternally to my sweet guy. It is not a “til death do you part” kind of marriage, but an eternal one – meaning that we truly will be together forever. And our children are sealed to us forever too. Of course they’ll leave us someday and cleave unto their own spouses, but we’re still bound together into the eternities. Isn’t that a glorious plan of our loving Heavenly Father? Families really can be together forever! I find such joy and comfort in knowing this.
In this egg is a carving of our Savior in the Garden of Gethsemane, just before He was betrayed, arrested and crucified.  This is where he truly suffered the most as he atoned for all our sins.
I love the words to the hymn “Reverently and Meekly Now” because it’s written in the first person – as if the Savior is talking to us.  Verses one and four are my favourites:
Rev’rently and meekly now, let thy head most humbly bow.
Think of me, thou ransomed one; think what I for thee have done.
With my blood that dripped like rain, sweat in agony of pain,
With my body on the tree I have ransomed even thee.
At the throne I intercede; for thee ever do I plead.
I have loved thee as a thy friend, with a love that cannot end.
Be obedient, I implore, prayerful, watchful, evermore,
And be constant unto me, that thy Savior I may be.
And that is what Easter is all about!