I love our Canadian symbol of the maple leaf. It’s magnificent!
There is a song called “The Maple Leaf Forever”, and we really don’t hear it much. Sometime in my past I must have heard it, but the only part I remember was the title line at the end of the chorus. So I did what anybody would do these days: I googled it!
You can google it too if you want more info, but this is the chorus of the original version of the song (which was never our National Anthem, but was often played as if it was):
The Maple Leaf, our emblem dear,
The Maple Leaf forever!
God save our Queen and heaven bless
The Maple Leaf forever!
And here is the chorus of the more recent version, which was actually sung by Michael Bublé at the 2010 Olympic Closing Ceremonies:
Long may it wave, and grace our own,
Blue skies and stormy weather,
Within my heart, above my home,
The Maple Leaf forever!
Anyway . . . about ten years ago I made a quilted Maple Leaf wall hanging at a little quilting class in town.

Blue skies and stormy weather,
Within my heart, above my home,
The Maple Leaf forever!