The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul. (Uchtdorf)
Bottlecap Magnets
I needed some new magnets for my fridge – to hold up all those things I love to get like pictures, quotes, wedding and grad invitations, etc. So I was at The Craft Store spending the rest of my Christmas Gift Card. (I love it when my guy gives me things like this – and he likes it too! The gift card comes with him babysitting too so I can go shopping alone and find things I really want!!!) So I was looking at their cute little bottle caps, but they were pretty pricey and so I passed them by – but I really wanted them!!!
My next stop was to the thrift store when SCORE!!! I found bottle caps!!! Way more bottle caps and other do-dads my girls will enjoy for way less than they were at the other place.
So I hunkered down that evening to create my magnets in the blues, greens and brown I like.
They had a few colours in the kit that worked, but mostly I just punched out scrapbook paper. I added a few embellishments to some of them and then covered them in the glaze that came in the kit too. Mod Podge would have worked fine also. Glue magnets on the back and it’s done.
And now I have some darling new magnets that cost me pennies. And I still have ten more for some future time – like kids lockers? Words and pictures would be really cute too.
Still can’t decide which one I like the best!
Now comes the fun of arranging them . . .
. . . recognize anyone or anything?
The fridge already looks different from when I took the pictures!
I enjoy my fridge photo gallery. Soon it will be loaded with Grad Invites, and other times of the year it’s loaded with Wedding Invitations (and I keep them all in a box once the event has passed!).
What do you prefer – loaded fridge doors or the clean uncluttered look?