Here’s the quote from Thomas S. Monson:
The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul. (Uchtdorf)
Here’s the quote from Thomas S. Monson:
I needed some new magnets for my fridge – to hold up all those things I love to get like pictures, quotes, wedding and grad invitations, etc. So I was at The Craft Store spending the rest of my Christmas Gift Card. (I love it when my guy gives me things like this – and he likes it too! The gift card comes with him babysitting too so I can go shopping alone and find things I really want!!!) So I was looking at their cute little bottle caps, but they were pretty pricey and so I passed them by – but I really wanted them!!!
The Maple Leaf forever!
God save our Queen and heaven bless
The Maple Leaf forever!
Blue skies and stormy weather,
Within my heart, above my home,
The Maple Leaf forever!
A Facebook friend of mine posted a picture of a bucket of snowballs she had bought for her family. (If you Google search Bucket of Snowballs, you can see what I mean!)
I saw her picture and instantly knew that my family would have a lot of fun with something like that. So of course I started thinking, “How can I make that?” The snowballs kind of had me stumped though because I wanted something light that could be thrown at anyone at no risk of injury, but I’m not much of a sewer and I didn’t know how to sew spheres and didn’t have time to learn right then, so . . . I kind of put that project in a dark recess of my brain to be recalled at some future time.
Then, one day, a few weeks before Christmas, I was in a dollar store (busy place just before Christmas!) and I saw some small plush baseballs. My mind instantly recalled the recessed snowball project and I knew that these baseballs were perfect. I emptied the shelf – all eight of them. Then I went to the isle of containers and found a suitable snowball bucket.
Then there were only two things left to do:
– spend about five minutes total snipping the red stitching off the balls so they wouldn’t look like baseballs anymore
– painting the word Snowballs on my bucket. I just free-handed it and painted it on with regular craft paint.
And this is what it ended up like . . .