A while ago I pinned a basket weave quilt pattern that I saw here at honeybear lane. I thought she did an awesome job and I wanted to try it. I decided to start small so it would be easier to handle – besides, I needed a little runner for a corner cabinet.
This was fun and so quick and easy! The part that took the longest was choosing the fabric! I cut the fabric into strips – can’t even remember what size I did. I think it was 1 1/2 inch wide strips, and obviously the lengths varied as you can see.

It needed an edge though so I just cut a thin strip, diagonally sewed pieces together to make it long enough, and then ironed in a fold line.
(The other day my 20 year old daughter approached me looking all thoughtful and asked, “Mom, what’s the opposite of ‘irony’?” I thought she had been studying or something so I started wracking my brain to try to be of some help to her. “Um, let’s see, opposite of ‘irony’ , um . . .” (as I’m trying to recall my grammar lessons from so long ago). And then I admitted defeat. “I’m not sure Elle,” I humbly answered. “Do you know?” Then she got the cutest sheepish little smile and said, “Yes, ‘wrinkley'”. And then she scampered off giggling, leaving me standing there, shaking my head, feeling more than a little bit foolish! And even more so when I tried the same joke on one of my other daughters, and she knew the answer!)
The iron thing made me recall that little incident!