Canada Day

Happy Canada Day!!!
July 1, 1867 – Canada got its start.
Sir John A. MacDonald played a major part!
So if we do the math, today is Canada’s 144th Birthday!!!
One thing I admire about our neighbours to the south is how patriotic they are.  They LOVE the Fourth of July and go all out in decorating and partying to celebrate their Independence Day.  I don’t think we do half as much celebrating as they do.
I have a few Canadian decorations like this garden stake that sits in the garden all summer.
And I have this wooden flag on my porch.  The other side of the board is a little house with the words Simple Life on it.  I usually have that side showing all summer and then rotate it to the flag side for the holidays.
My porch animals keep moving – they’re alive!!!
But one of my favourite sights on Canada Day is this . . .
. . . our Flag!
The youth in each ward in town have an annual fundraiser.  We pay $40 and they will put a flag up in our yard for every holiday from Victoria Day in May to Thanksgiving in October.
I love to see all the flags flying around the neighbourhood on all the holidays, but they look especially grand today, on Canada’s Birthday.
“God keep our land glorious and free,
O Canada we stand on guard for thee,
O Canada we stand on guard for thee.”


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