My guy doesn’t ask for much in the way of crafts (yeah, a shocker I know!) so when he suggests something, I listen. He requested that somewhere in the house we have a birthday list so he can see when family members’ birthdays are. I thought that was a fabulous idea!!!
My friend did a craft class last week and she was doing magnetic boards as calendars. I knew that would be the perfect thing to change a little and make into our Family Birthday Board. I just printed up four pages with three months on each page, to cover the family birthdays for the year. My guy and I both come from large families and we’re adding five more babies to the family in the next few months – the families are growing at alarming rates!!! And very hard to keep track of (facebook certainly helps though!!!).
Start with a piece of metal – it’s about 9 x 14.

I glued magnets on the back of mine too so it sticks to the fridge, but you could also hang it with a ribbon.
And when new members join the family through birth or marriage, I’ll just write their names in the appropriate spot in black ink and then update the charts on the computer when needed. And I suppose I could even add anniversaries if I wanted to.
So do you want to know what my guy thought about the craft he inspired?
He loves it too!!!