Conference Project Time Again!

I love General Conference weekend, and it’s almost here!  It’s an opportunity for us to listen to our living prophet, President Thomas S. Monson, and other Apostles as they lead and guide us in these latter days.
Do you remember “my Conference Project”?This is how much was finished after the last conference six months ago.  I love to work on this cross-stitch called “Lost No More” by Greg Olsen during conference.  I find that my brain listens better when my hands are busy.  When I’m looking down at this picture of the Savior, rather than at the distractions of what others around me might be doing, I absorb the messages of our church leaders better.  But that’s just me!  I’ve never been able to master the art of taking notes – I miss what they’re saying while I’m writing what they already said!

Anyway, I’m sure looking forward to this opportunity of attending Church with the whole world!



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