Conference Project

General Conference was over a week ago now, but I’ve still got lots of the wonderful messages floating around in my mind.  When my Ensign magazine arrives next month, I’ll attack it with a highlighter pen.  But if I need to review something sooner, I just go to this General Conference site and read or re-watch all the inspirational messages.  Anyway, here’s how much I got done on my cross-stitch during conference!
I have taken it out of the hoop, so anything that is outside of that circle line is new.  The sheep are appearing!
For some reason I was drawn to working on the purple flowers – must be a spring thing!!!  The purple is all one colour, but do you know how many greens there are?  Me either!  But a lot of them were:  one strand of this colour and one strand of that colour, put together to make one colour.  I sure like that the background scenery is just a half cross-stitch – goes so much faster (not that I’m in any rush, I just like it to look like I have done something!).
I watched four sessions of conference – two on Saturday and two on Sunday, and they each last for two hours.  Intermixed with the speakers is beautiful singing from the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.  It truly is a spiritual feast!
So back to my project . . .I have reached the edge by the purple flowers!!!  But look at the finished picture and see that I have many years of conferences left to work on it!  And look at all that thread! and all that space on the cloth!
But . . . on to a new conference topic . . .
Look at this cute little treat my Visiting Teachers dropped off before Conference.And this one that Jen’s Activity Days Leader dropped off!
Such a cute idea!  Such thoughtful people!!!
“Decide  now to make General Conference a priority in your life.  Decide to listen carefully and follow the teachings that are given.”



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