My Little Tin

 This cute little tin was a Christmas gift – filled with delicious homemade chocolates.  Mmmm, someone knows my weakness (and yes, I ate them all myself – but not all at once!).
My mom grew up in NZ and used the word “tin” all the time.  But it doesn’t seem all that common here in North America in the context she used it.
English lesson time here:  when I say “tin” I’m referring to the noun, meaning “a pan, box, etc., made of tin” as opposed to the adjective – eg. a tin can.  Tin, as we all know, is “a soft, silver-white metallic chemical element”.  My guys says that not everybody knows that, but now that I’ve typed it, you all know now!
Anyway, I liked the tin – it’s a nice size and the lid is hinged in the back. I’ve got plenty of things already that are just for Christmas, so I decided to give this little tin a new look so I could use it year round.
Bring on the spray paint!!!
This was after three coats of spray paint.  I know it looks like you can still see the red showing through – but it only looks like that in the picture with the flash.  In real life it looks like . . .
. . . this – nice and dark.  I used Oil Rubbed Bronze Krylon spray paint that I got in Walmart for about $4.64 a can (that’s a pretty accurate estimate!).  I used maybe $1.02 worth of spray paint on this.
As you can see, I prettied it up a little with some natural hemp twine.
And now it sits on my dresser, being a cute little catch-all for those things we collect like buttons, pins, pennies, library cards . . . etc.
Love my tin (the box, not the metallic chemical element).
It really is amazing how spray paint can transform anything – how did I not discover it years ago?  Stay tuned for some more spray paint projects!
Oh, and you can check out my Forget Not project here.
Now, go spray something!!!


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