Coconut Nests

I went to a stage production of “My Fair Lady” last night (fabulous by the way).  Now if I could just get ‘I could have danced all night . . .’ out of my head!
Anyway, it was late when we got home, but of course I went to the fridge because I knew there was this dessert left over from Sunday dinner, and it was calling to me!  When you get to the picture, you’ll see it there in the top left.  I had pinned this dessert to one of my Pinterest boards, and actually made it.  And yes, it was very delicious, although I found out that my guy doesn’t really like pistachio pudding (that would explain why there were leftovers!)  Next time I’ll make it with lemon pudding instead.  You can check it out here at Brown Paper Packages if you want to make it yourself.
Wow!  My fridge looks pretty stocked right now – I must have gone grocery shopping recently!  By the way, I love the layout of this fridge.  It even has a drawer below those two crisper bins at the bottom – it’s a really shallow drawer but wide and fits a ton of things – like the cheese and cold cuts, butter waiting to be used, apples, pies (if I had them) etc.  And it’s the perfect height for perusing things because the freezer is on the bottom.  Oh, and it has double doors – I like to think that’s more energy efficient as I don’t have to open the whole fridge to grab the milk out of the door!
Anyway . . .
. . . when I opened the fridge (remember, I heard my name being called) I saw these little nests that definitely weren’t there earlier in the evening.  I thought it was pretty cute (which is why I snapped a picture).
Lee had made them in Home Ec. that day and went about making some that evening.  This morning I asked her for the recipe and she tapped her head and said, “It’s all in here.”
– Butter (she couldn’t remember how much, which would explain the plate of extra melted butter sitting on my counter when I got home!)
– 2 1/2 cups mini marshmallows
– 1 cup long coconut
– 1 cup Rice Krispies
So basically you’re just making Rice Krispy Squares and shaping them into nests.  These seemed extra gooey though, which is why they’re so tasty – that and the coconut!!!
Then she spread a little chocolate sauce on top and the eggs.  This recipe will make about 15 nests.
So then I had the dilemma of eating the leftover dessert, or eating a nest.  What would you do?  Have both?  I decided to go with the leftover dessert that I had made.  I thought Lee might want to be around to see us enjoy her nests (she was sound asleep).
So . . . I haven’t actually tasted them, but they look good and anything with coconut in it will be delicious!!!
Click here to see the nests we made last year – and when I say “we” I mean my girls!



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