Gifts “From the Savior”

We have two Christmas trees every year.  We refer to one of them as our “Nativity Tree”.  It’s got white lights and lots of gold and silver on it, and all ornaments somehow remind us of the Savior.
Under the tree are some small gold and silver boxes – one for each person in the family.  On Christmas Eve we all take a bit to time to think of what gift we will give the Savior this year – some way to help us grow closer to Him and to improve ourselves.  We write this on a piece of paper that is in our box – and also look back on our past “gifts” to the Savior.  It’s a good time for personal reflection!
One year I thought that it would be neat to receive “gifts from the Savior”.  I didn’t mention it to anyone in my family, so they were a little surprised to wake up on Christmas morning to find gifts under the Nativity Tree!  (All our gifts go under the colourful tree – the tree with the other types of ornaments you collect over the years and that the kids have made!)The gifts under the Nativity Tree are all wrapped in plain paper and they each have a scripture or saying on it that is pertinent to that person, or to the gift.  We always take time to read the scripture before opening the gift.
I usually buy the gifts from a church bookstore, but that can get pretty pricey.  With this year being a house-building year for us with not a lot of extra cash laying around, I decided to make gifts.  We might not have had cash laying around, but we did have plenty of wood laying around!
For example . . .. . . this is what my guys gift started like!  It’s a chunk of solid oak that was cut off the bottom of a newel post on the stairs.  What would you make with that?
Now before I started any projects, I asked everyone what their favourite scriptures or quotes were, and their favourite colours, so I could make something meaningful to them.
My guy likes Mosiah 4:19
“For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father.”
This is what I came up with for him . . .. . . a candle holder, with his favourite part of the scripture.
It’s simply words stamped onto cardstock, then distressed and mod podged onto the stained piece of oak.  He loves it, even though he wondered if I dulled his drill bit drilling the hole in the top!!!
My gift was thoughtfully made for me by me at my friend’s craft classes – thanks again Kd!!!I love this quote and picture of the temple.  I was going to give it to one of my girls, but then I realized “Hey, I want it!!!” And if I keep it, each one of them will be able to benefit from the message!
Elle’s gift was probably my biggest challenge!  She liked a really long scripture, and the whole thing was so good, I didn’t want to shorten anything.  (You can read it in the pictures!)
Her favourite scripture right now is Doctrine and Covenants 98:1-3.
I decide to make her a candle holder too, but hers was a soft wood and didn’t dull the drill bit!!!I printed out her scripture – one verse per side of the wooden block.  Mod podged on scrapbook paper in her favourite colours and glued on the little clothes pins.  I like the clothes pins because that way she can easily change her scriptures, or add pictures, or anything else inspiring.
Warning:  remove ribbon if you’re going to burn the candle!
Yes – it turned out pretty cute!!!
The next three daughters were easier – they all got long pieces of wood to go over a door or window.
Min got Proverbs 3:5-6 (one of my favourites too!)
“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct they paths.”
Jo got Alma 26:12.
“Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak;
therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God,
for in His strength I can do all things . . .”
Lee chose 1 Timothy 4:12.
“Be thou an example of the believers,
 in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.”
Jen got a picture of the temple too.  I printed hers from this site.Then it was simply mod podged onto a piece of 2×6 with all the cute other little details to match her room.
Laying a piece of cloth over the mod podge while it’s still wet (pressing it down and then peeling it off right away) gives a nice canvassy looking finish.
Kat’s gift was actually made by my mom!  Thanks mom!!!
Six puzzles to keep me her quiet in church!  These are about one inch squares and each side has a picture on it.  It’s pretty challenging!
And finally, Mac got a popsicle stick puzzle.
One side has a picture and the other side has . . .. . . a message!  And again, mod podge is the secret ingredient!
 And the final, finally . . .. . . a picture of the Savior by Liz Lemon Swindle – an amazing artist.
She says of this picture,
 “During His ministry, Christ healed a blind man.  The leaders of the Jews called the man before them and demanded he renounce Christ.  When he refused, they cast him out.
When Jesus heard what the leaders had done, He immediately went looking for this man (John 9:35).  I could see the determination on Christ’s face as He made His way through the crowd.  I draw comfort from knowing that if He will search after him, He will search after me.”
 This 8×10 picture was free during the “Every home should have a picture of Christ” campaign.  All I had to do was frame it!
This tradition that we started a few years ago has quickly become one of my favourite parts of the holidays.  Tears are often shed and the Spirit is felt as we celebrate our Savior’s birth.

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