Long Wooden Signs

I like long wooden signs!!!  I find them an easy way to have inspirational message in my home because they fit so nicely in often unused places – like over a door or window, or above and below pictures.
If they’re going to specific people, I often ask for a phrase preference and colour preference.  Then I paint and plan it out on paper to make sure the spacing works.
These were some my sister’s requested . . .Isn’t “Did You Think to Pray?” a great one to have over your bedroom door (it’s okay, one of my sisters actually has a red and gold bedroom!)
“Live Without Regret” is one of my favourite quotes from Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley.
The wonky buttons actually match my sister’s area rug!!!
Another sis has six sons and a daughter and thinks of her home as a “Missionary Training Center”.
And I attached a Future Missionary tag with burlap.
The ladies I Visit Teach got these “Joy to the World” signs this Christmas.
Notice the green one (how could you not?)  That’s my one – I made it many years ago and it’s reversible – looks the same as the others on the other side.  It was perfect for a ledge in my house that was visible from both sides.
Just a close up of the etchings on the wood.  The letters are just done with an alphabet stencil from Michaels.
And a few more . . .
“There is Beauty all Around” was the most sung Family Home Evening song in my guys home.  So now this little sign hangs above his parents dining room window.
“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart” is just a great scripture for us all to remember all the time.
I mod podged a picture of the Lord onto a heart.
And finally, “Family is Everything” because, it really is!!!
I had fun making signs this past Christmas (kinda helped to have that precut pile of wood piled up in the workshop!!!).
What message would you put on a sign?

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