Conference Project Update

Ahhh, there were lots of inspiring talks at Conference!!!  Can’t wait to attack my copy of the Ensign with a highlighter, looking for special quotes that touch my heart that I can turn into a craft!!!
And yes, I got lots of cross-stitching time in!  Took breaks only to stand up and sing the rest hymn and to nurse my baby.  Here’s how it looked at the end of conference . . .
Getting lots of background done – it goes so much faster as lots of it is only a half-stitch.
Can you remember how much was done before the weekend?  I can’t!!!
Oh wow – I got lots done!!!  Good for me!
Look at all those stitches!!!  It’ll be even more clear when I outline it someday with a dark backstitch.
And now I might dig it out and stitch a little for a day or two, but mostly it will sit until the next conference in six months.  And just think – then I’ll be doing it in my new house!!!

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