My Conference Project

I call this my “Conference Project” because I usually only work on it about twice a year – during General Conference!  I think focusing on the Savior is a great thing to do at Conference!!!  And I know that I listen better when my hands are busy.
I started this in February 2006 so you can see it’s taking awhile.  It’s called “Lost No More” by Greg Olsen.  It’s the most intricate cross-stitch I’ve ever done.  I’ve never had to mix strands of colour before, and all the shading is very hard to follow so I better get it done before I need bifocals!!!  I really love this picture, maybe because I have a fascination with sheep and goats – must be that NewZealand part of me!!!
This is how it looked at the end of last year.
And this is how it looked a few days ago . . .
You can see the little sheep now!!!  And a lot of the background is only half stitches so it goes twice as fast – that was exciting to figure out!!!
I’ll post a picture after Conference and we can see if I’ve made any progress after about 8 hours of stitching and listening to the words of the Prophet and Apostles.
I love General Conference!!!
P.S.  This is the 181st Annual General Conference.

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