The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul. (Uchtdorf)
In My Sister’s House
Went on a trip a few weeks ago and stayed at my sister’s house. While there, I was noticing that there were quite a few crafts in her house that I had made. So I got out my camera and here’s what I found:
So true eh? Laundry is as much a part of life as living. laughing and loving! My sis had asked me to make her something to add a little life to her laundry room, because it’s her guest bathroom too. So this is what I came up with for her. It fits perfectly above the washer and dryer and below the cupboards. Gotta make one for myself one day (my new house will have it’s very own laundry room – clap, clap clap!!!). The sign is actually navy blue with sage green hearts and beige lettering. Sorry about the photo, but I have been working lately on learning to use my camera better – actually figuring out what different settings will do!!! The other saying that I think is cute in a laundry room is: Laundry – loads of fun!
She also requested that I make this saying into a craft for her. I just typed it up and printed it off and mod podged it onto a scrap piece of 2 x 6. And that’s just one of those clamp paper-clip thingy’s glued upside down on top to hold the picture/recipe card/or whatever else you want it to hold.
And on the back side . . .
. . . I added one of my favourite sayings in a more wintery version so she can display it year round.
My sis is a cat lover so I made this for her once, many years ago. I saw it in a Country Sampler magazine decades ago and made up my own version of it. I always thought it was cute – that clever little kitty trying to lure the unsuspecting bird by hanging the bird house from its tail.
I didn’t actually make this one – but I did design it and provide all the materials. We (all the moms in the family) made them at our family reunion in colours to complement our homes. So everyone was able to leave the reunion with a nice message on a craft that looks great hanging over the family pictures that we also took at the reunion. And everyone at the reunion signed the back.
I made a bunch of these for Christmas one year – lots of fun and ya gotta love Heat N Bond. I made them for the ladies I Visit Teach too – fortunately for me, six letters was the longest last name!!! The message in the square on the right is Love At Home in case you couldn’t see the little “at” there!
And another request from sis: please make me a Family Home Evening board. I’d had this board kicking around for years – I’d gotten it at a garage sale for $2. So it worked great for the job. Sis was satisfied once again!!!
Now that looks like a wedding bouquet!!! Yup, I made it for sis for her wedding ten years ago. It was so pretty for her December wedding. My favourite part is the pine cones that came from our old homestead. We gently painted the tips with silver glitter glue and they looked so great in her bouquet.
Makes me excited at the thought of making bouquets for my own seven girls some day!!! (If they want me to, of course!)
And finally, sis has a menu board too!!! In fact, all my sisters do, and many others!!! Obviously we were having trouble spelling the word “Lasagna”!
It gives me a thrill to go places and see things that I have created. I used to have a little craft booth in a mall and it was so exciting to see things sell – people were actually buying things I had made – like, paying real money for them!!! Wow!!! So thanks sis, for keeping my creations up in your home!