Banana Cake

I love bananas because they force me to bake something yummy once in a while (or I can throw them in the freezer until I’m ready to deal with them)!  This banana cake recipe came from my friend Tammy and I absolutely love it.  The cake is light and the icing is fabulous!
I also love the blue star plate that I got in Target a while back.  It’s my tribute today to my American friends – Happy 4th of July!
Banana Cake
1/2 cup butter or margarine
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. baking soda dissolved in 4 tbsp hot water
1 cup mashed bananas (I use 3)
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
2 cups flour
Cream butter and sugar.  Add eggs.  Mix soda and water and add to mashed bananas.  Mix dry ingredients together.  Alternate dry and wet ingredients.  (Or if you’re like me and have a Bosch, mix all your wet ingredients and then throw in all your dry ingredients.)
Bake at 350 for 25-35 minutes in a 9×13 pan.
Icing  (I double it!)
1/4 cup butter
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 tbsp milk
3/4 cup icing sugar
Melt butter – add sugar and milk.  Remove from heat and add icing sugar.
Pour over your cake when it comes out of the oven.
Oh doesn’t that look delicious?
I recently used the cake recipe without the icing and made it into banana bread.  I used two tin foil loaf pans and it worked wonderfully.  Loaves seem to cook more evenly when they’re baked in tin foil pans – and it’s so much easier to get the loaf out of the pan when your pan is flexible!  Next time I might throw in some chocolate chips, or chopped walnuts, or coconut too!
Yup, sure do love bananas!

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