The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul. (Uchtdorf)
DVD Holder
There’s gotta be a cute way to store DVD’s right? I asked my guy to build these little DVD houses for me, and he did!!! I think they’d look even cuter with little chimneys.
See that pink section – those are our Barbie movies!!!
These looked really cute in our last house. They sat on the ledge around the family room with little pine trees and other cute doodads around them. Now, during our building house/transition time, they just sit on the floor – not looking as cute, but still doing their job.
My baby really likes them this height!!!
She pulls them all off many times each day!!! We put some of her baby books in front of the DVD’s to distract her. Yeah – great plan! But it didn’t work. She just sits there longer, reading books between yanking off more DVD’s.
Thanks Mac – you know, I’d rather be creating than cleaning up your messes – again!!!