Ambrosia Fruit Salad

In our house we call this fruit salad Ambrosia.  According to Webster, ambrosia means:  1) the food of the Gods, and 2) anything that tastes or smells delicious.  This fruit salad qualifies!
It’s an especially pretty salad for spring because of the pastel marshmallows.  This one has some white marshmallows too – I was using up opened marshmallow packages!  The truth is, I actually prefer using opened packages in this salad – the marshmallows are a little harder and last better, especially if you’re not eating it right away.
It’s super easy, delicious and has coconut in it!  And I usually always have these ingredients in my food storage, so it’s easy to whip one up.
Here’s how you do it:
– 1 can pineapple tidbits  (drained)
– 1 can mandarin orange pieces  (drained)
– mini marshmallows  (as many as you want)
– coconut  (I like the long shredded stuff)
– sour cream  (a couple of large spoonfuls)
And just mix it all together.  If it’s too dry, add more sour cream.  If it’s too wet, add some more marshmallows or coconut.
(Now, be sure to enjoy a pre-dinner drink of your pineapple/orange juice that you drained out of the cans!  Or add it to your punch.)
If you want, you can easily add more fruit to this, like grapes or bananas, peaches or apple chunks.  Strawberries might be okay, but I wouldn’t use kiwi or any other soft fruit that might break apart.  Another option is all white marshmallows with coloured coconut.  The sour cream seems to balance out the sweetness of the marshmallows and makes whatever you put in it taste great.
It tastes best if you eat it pretty soon after you’ve mixed it, although it can wait in the fridge for an hour or two if necessary.  Just stir it first because the juices settle.



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