Beef and Corn Bake

This is probably our very favourite casserole – think I’ve made this one more in our 22+ years of marriage than anything else.  I love it because
1) it’s really delicious and
2) it’s really simple to assemble (which means more time for crafting!).
I’ll share the exact recipe, but I never measure anymore!
Beef Corn Bake
2 lbs  Ground Beef
1 medium chopped Onion
1/4 cup cooking oil (I’ve never used the oil)
– Cook all together in fry pan until meat is brown.  Put in large casserole dish.  Add:
12 ounce can Kernel Corn (drained)
2 – 10 ounce cans Tomato Soup
1 tsp. Salt
1/2 tsp. Pepper
1 Tbsp Ketchup (I use more –  like 1/4 cup!)
2 cups cooked Noodles  (I’ve used Egg Noodles and Chow Mein Noodles)
Mix it all up together and then sprinkle grated Cheddar Cheese on top.
Bake covered at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.  Remove the lid and cook some more until the cheese is done the way you like it.
We like our cheese crusty!
This is a wonderful casserole for transporting too – it’s solid and won’t spill in your car, unless you’re a really crazy driver!!!
My two-year old even loves it!  I kept trying to snap a picture of her eating it, but every time I missed the actual food-entering-mouth moment.  And she just kept glaring at me for flashing lights in her face over and over and over!
 Finally, I got excited because I got a picture of food entering her mouth.  But alas, when I did an actual preview of the shot,
it was . . .
. . . a large slice of cucumber that was going in, and not the casserole!
But you can see that her plate is getting emptier.
Here’s a good tip I’ve learned over the years:  when your young’un decides they’re too old for bibs and keeps ripping them off, dress them in clothes that co-ordinate with the colour of your meals.  Camouflage those spills – it makes laundry so much easier!!!
So . . . back to the Beef Corn Bake – I know your meals are already planned for this week, but make it next week!  Your family will thank you!!!

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